From the time I became a mother, my opinions on a lot of things have changed. From breastfeeding to midwives to those little "leashes" you see parents use for their kids (note: I'm not going to open up THAT can of worms today but I will say this...after you lose your child for even a brief moment in a busy place, your opinions might change as well). But one topic of discussion will almost always keep me busy for a good hour or so and that is the topic of childbirth.
Admittedly, I am THAT woman. I LOVE sharing my birth experiences with anyone who will listen. It's almost always after the fact that I realize that sharing the story of the delivery of my placenta was probably not appropriate dinner conversation. Ok, I kid, I kid...I have never broached that topic of discussion but I will talk your ear off about my labor and delivery story if you so much as look at my child for a second too long. And what's more...I'm not selfish in this fascination. I LOVE hearing everyone's story. I could sit with a group of women and talk for HOURS about our "war stories". Having gone through childbirth I realize that it is freaking awesome! I think it's so awesome that someday I would love nothing more than to become a certified doula. It just amazes me to my very core. That being said...there are some things about it that just piss me off.
I'm at the age now that all my friends and classmates are having babies. I follow their Facebook feeds and wait anxiously along with them while they wait for their bundles of joy and I rejoice with them when said bundle of joy enters the world. What bothers me is how often these ladies are being induced or forced into c-sections that aren't necessary.
I want to preface this rant by saying I am not a medical professional. I will not give you facts or figures so take my rant for what it's worth.
First of all, moms of the world, pregnancy is long and uncomfortable and I realize you want nothing more than to hold that precious baby in your arms but forcing that baby out before he or she is ready is not good for you or your baby. Yes, I understand there is a time and a place for everything, including labor induction, but asking your doctor for an induction because your back hurts or you're just tired of being pregnant is not a good reason. True story: I know a woman who asked her doctor for an induction because she was just so uncomfortable and her doctor obliged because she was "close enough" to her due date. Her baby spent the first 24 hours of its life in the NICU because its lungs were not fully developed.
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Allow yourself to pause in your reading to gaze into this angel face for a moment of zen | . Charlotte Rose 3-28-08 |
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Rocking helped relieve the pain of those pesky contractions |
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Oh, you know...just updating my Facebook status between a boss... |
So, how can we stop all this unnecessary intervention? First and foremost, educate yourself! Watch The Business of Being Born. It's truly an eye-opener on how childbirth is handled and viewed in this country. It's not a medical emergency that needs to be treated as quickly as possible. It is the most natural thing in the world and should be treated as such. When you educate yourself you can advocate for yourself. When my youngest was on the way, I walked into that OB/GYN's office like I owned the place. I looked my NEW OB straight in the eye and told him that unless it was an extreme medical circumstance that I would NOT be using Pitocin. If induction was needed (and it was) I would be induced the most natural way possible (which I feel I was) and that I would be allowed to move freely and I would not be offered pain meds unless I asked for them (which...due to the most excruciating back labor ever and complete lack of rest my nurses AND I thought it best that I use a one time intrathecal dose of anesthetic to allow me some rest...the dose lasted just over an hour and I was able to feel the urge to push when it was time). I made my birth plan known from the beginning. I accepted that plans change and that my doctor would keep me completely abreast of any changes or concerns he may have. The ONLY concession I had to make was that in asking for a more natural approach to induction (breaking of my water) that I had to be within my 24 hour safety zone. We agreed that if I had not made progress at the 6 hour mark then we would have to use the devil juice. THANK THE LORD my cervix was cooperative! The fact is, if I had not taken the time to educate myself on my options, I would have just blindly accepted that Pitocin was the only way to go. All I know is natural childbirth ( 95% natural) is the most empowering thing a woman can experience. I felt like a freaking goddess holding that newborn in my arms for the first time. No one can take that feeling away from me and no one should take it away from you because it's more convenient for them.
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Almost 10 hours in and still smiling (this may or may not have been during my medicated state) |
Finally, I want to touch on something just to make sure I don't piss anyone off too terribly. I understand plans change, emergencies happen, or you just don't like pain. I get that. Natural childbirth is not for everyone and it is a personal choice every woman should make for themselves. Having a more "non-natural" birth does not make you less of a woman by any means (uh, you grew a freaking win...forever!). My rant is not meant to make any of those mommies feel bad. My rant is directed at doctors who have little to no interest in your desires and opt to pump women full of synthetic hormones so they don't miss their 9am tee time Saturday morning. Don't let some man/woman in a white coat bully you into something you're not comfortable with. Use your mommy instinct and don't be afraid to stick up for yourself. Think of that baby belly as a bomb strapped to your chest...I mean really...who should really be calling the shots in that L&D suite?
Childbirth is so amazing! It's beautiful and empowering. Seriously...I could have taken on the world at the moment I naturally gave birth to my 9lb 3oz baby girl. I stared at her for days and thought to myself "You came out of me...and it hurt...but I'm still alive! I can take on the world!!!" True story folks...
So, in conclusion...I know this is a bit all over the place but if you take anything from this post, let it be this: EDUCATE so you can ADVOCATE. Don't let anyone bully you into doing something you're not comfortable with just because they have a fancy piece of paper on the wall and a lab jacket.
Rant pants OFF. G'night world!
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