Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Rainy Day Crafts: Pet Rocks

So earlier this spring, my husband and I decided our backyard was missing something...a patio! So we went to work...and by we, I mean HE went to work. And to be fair, I attempted to help but there were earwigs on EVERYTHING and I think he got tired of hearing me scream and swear every 5 seconds. Pair that with my natural "indoorsy" personality and that makes me a lousy helper when it comes to outdoor projects. He is way too good to me sometimes.
Chris digging out our patio. I posted this on Facebook with the caption saying "If I ask him to go any bigger, his next project will be digging my grave". People thought I was joking...

The thing about digging up that much topsoil is that it produces a lot of rocks of various shapes and sizes. To the untrained eye and mind this might seem like an inconvenience but to me, I saw opportunity for an awesome activity for the girls; pet rocks. Now those of an older generation your first thought might be that stupid novelty gift from the 70s that was a rock in a box...that's it. Drugs really messed you guys up, huh? Who buys a plain ol' rock?! Excuse me while I take a sip from my Dasani (that's bottled water for those who didn't get the joke).

Anyway, this is what we used/needed for our project:
  • Small(ish) rocks that are smooth in nature (jagged rocks are hard to paint)
  • Craft paint (acrylic works best but if you're worried about your kids using it washable "kid paint" would PROBABLY be okay but I cant say as we didn't use it)
  • GLITTER (yes, I know...glitter is the herpes of craft will not get rid of it but when you are the mother of two girls it's just easier to accept the fact that glitter WILL come into this house because when you have girls, they put glitter on EVERYTHING)
  • Googly eyes
  • Yarn (a short little piece will work just fine as we just used it for the mouth but if you want to get brave and make hair then you'll need more)
  • Pom-Pom (for the nose)
  • All purpose craft glue (School glue will not cut it...sorry. You can try but you and your children will get frustrated)
  • Paint brushes
  • Protective gear for your children and your table (aka smocks and table covering)
We started out cleaning the rocks the best we could to remove any excess dirt. This can be accomplished by running it under warm water and maybe a little scrub with the rough side of the sponge. It doesn't need to be super vigorous or anything. Dry them off with a dish towel and now you're ready to paint. My girls like to mix colors and such so this is the fun (aka messy) part. Just let them have at it and maybe try to smooth out globs if necessary.

Once you're done painting it's time for glitter (if you so choose). We just applied the glitter onto the wet paint. This way you can continue on with your project without too much wait time (which is coming next...). If you're kids are like mine, this part might get a little crazy. I tried to tell them to shake it like a salt shaker but apparently this meant shake it like you're trying to pass bits of concrete through the salt shaker because they went crazy! There was glitter everywhere!
It was glitter madness! Check out Carrigan's blurry hand action due to her vigorous glitter shaking
When the painting and glitter are done, now is the least fun part...waiting. I guess you could try to dry them faster with a hair dryer or something but I think it's important to teach kids patience so we waited. An hour or two should do it (maybe watch a movie together?). As long as the paint isn't too globby you shouldn't have to wait forever.

When you're new friends are dry, it's time to give them personality. This is the fun part that isn't too messy (HUZZAH!). Give your rock eyes, a nose, and mouth using your pom-poms, yarn, and eyes. If you want to get really brave and give them hair then just attach more yarn (and God be with you). Also, if you're worried about the glitter falling off (but really, at this point, does it REALLY matter?) then you can use a spray on clear coat. Just make sure you do it outside because it's smelly and honestly, I'm not sure how much you'd want your little one handling it after that. We didn't use it but I have also accepted my glitter fate (I tell's everywhere!).
Carrigan and Charlotte's Pet Rocks gracefully adorning our mantle

There you have it. Pet rocks. They make wonderful additions to any decor and make marvelous paper weights. Both girls LOVED this project and my part in it was pretty minimal (I helped with glue placement...that's it). I do not pretend to have created this project as I have seen numerous similar posts on Pinterest but this was my take on those projects and I encourage you to do the same. Remember, everything can be washed and that's what play clothes and smocks are for. HAVE FUN and make memories!